Archived Jobs at Kalao

Archived Jobs at Kalao

1 archived job at Kalao

Showing 1-1 of 1 results for archived jobs at Kalao:

Our technical stack is composed of typescript, vue3 and web3 in frontend, Golang for the backend and solidity for smart contracts. If you are proficient in any of those technologies it would be a plus. Kalao is an NFT ecosystem. We offer a cost-effective and easy-to-use Marketplace, powered by a combination of the Avalanche blockchain technology and outstanding Kalao VR capabilities. The Kalao fra...

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Kalao Overview

Kalao is an NFT ecosystem. We offer a cost-effective and easy-to-use Marketplace, powered by a combination of the Avalanche blockchain technology and outstanding Kalao VR capabilities. The Kalao framework will accelerate the adoption of VR technology to develop virtual worlds and sustain the digital transformation of business use cases.

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