Archived Jobs at Civic

Archived Jobs at Civic

1 archived job at Civic

Showing 1-1 of 1 results for archived jobs at Civic:

We are looking for an experienced and data-driven growth marketer to join our team and lead the charge in increasing the visibility of the Civic brand globally. Instrumental to our upcoming growth phase, you will be responsible for evolving and scaling our communications and marketing in alignment with our product development roadmap.We need a forward-thinking self-starter to define a growth strat...

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Civic Overview

As leaders in the decentralized identity space, Civic is focused on real-world applications of its blockchain-powered technology. The company offers flexible identity verification technology for businesses and uses digital identity as a gateway for decentralized finance on the Solana blockchain. Civic uses’s open-source, blockchain-based ecosystem to verify credentials.

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Civic Jobs by Location

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Germany - Remote (1)

Civic Jobs by Team

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Product & Design (1)