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0 open jobs at Blockchain.com on the Engineering & Modelling team
Blockchain.com hasn't posted any crypto jobs. This does not mean they do not have open jobs roles available, so please do check their careers page directly or reach out to them via the social medias links listed on this page.
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Unstoppable Domains and Blockchain.com partner to launch the DNS-enabled ".blockchain" Web3 domain, simplifying digital identity and promoting Web3 adoption.
SoFi Technologies is giving its customers the choice to migrate to Blockchain.com or close their accounts as the company exits the cryptocurrency business.
According to Bloomberg, the firm's valuation has dropped to less than $7 billion from its previous peak of $14 billion in March 202
A crypto exchange in Singapore has obtained a crypto-dealing license, allowing it to serve accredited investors and institutions.
Crypto financial services firm Blockchain.com cites prolonged crypto winter as the reason for closing its recently-launched asset management arm. The subsidiary, called BCAM, was opened in April 2022 to attract institutional investors but unfortunate timing proved unsuccessful.
Blockchain.com is connecting the world to the future of finance. We are the most trusted and fastest growing crypto company, helping millions across the globe – from single individuals to the largest institutions – have an easy and safe way to buy, sell and store cryptocurrency. Known as the world's most popular crypto wallet, Blockchain.com is on a path to revolutionizing the $14T financial services industry. Blockchain.com is backed by leading investors including Lightspeed Venture Partners and Google Ventures.
Company Legal Name: Blockchain.com Inc
Year Founded: 2011
HQ Location: OFFICE 86, 90 Paul St, London EC2A 4NE, UK
HQ Timezone: Europe/London
Alexa US Rank: 5,930
Alexa Global Rank: 2,584
Total Employees: 180
Total $ Raised: 590,000,000
Estimated Annual Revenue: $10M-$50M