Archived Jobs at ChainSafe

Archived Jobs at ChainSafe

49 archived jobs at ChainSafe

Showing 1-10 of 49 results for archived jobs at ChainSafe:

ChainSafe is a leading blockchain research and development firm specializing in infrastructure solutions for the decentralized web. Alongside its contributions to significant ecosystems such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Filecoin, and more, ChainSafe creates solutions for developers and teams across the web3 space utilizing our expertise in gaming, bridging, NFTs, and decentralized storage. As part of th...

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ChainSafe is a leading blockchain research and development firm specializing in infrastructure solutions for the decentralized web. Alongside its contributions to significant ecosystems such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Filecoin, Mina, and more, ChainSafe creates solutions for developers and teams across the web3 space utilizing our expertise in gaming, bridging, NFTs, and decentralized storage. As part...

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The Office & IT Ops Administrator plays a key role in ChainSafe’s physical and digital workplace experience. This position will be responsible for managing all office related operations in Toronto as well as org-wide IT administrative duties. Specifically, the areas of focus will include in-office maintenance, digital infrastructure management as well as cross-departmental administrativ...

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ChainSafe is a leading blockchain research and development firm specializing in infrastructure solutions for the decentralized web. Alongside its contributions to significant ecosystems such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Filecoin, Mina, and more, ChainSafe creates solutions for developers and teams across the web3 space utilizing our expertise in gaming, bridging, NFTs, and decentralized storage. As part...

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ChainSafe is a blockchain research and development firm specializing in infrastructure and tooling for the decentralized web. Alongside its contributions to significant ecosystems such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Filecoin, and more, ChainSafe creates solutions for developers and teams across the web3 space utilizing our expertise in gaming, bridging, NFTs, and decentralized storage. As part of the miss...

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ChainSafe is a blockchain research and development firm specializing in infrastructure and tooling for the decentralized web. Alongside its contributions to significant ecosystems such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Filecoin, and more, ChainSafe creates solutions for developers and teams across the web3 space utilizing our expertise in gaming, bridging, NFTs, and decentralized storage. As part of the miss...

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ChainSafe is a leading blockchain research and development firm specializing in infrastructure solutions for the decentralized web. Alongside its contributions to significant ecosystems such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Filecoin, Mina, and more, ChainSafe creates solutions for developers and teams across the web3 space utilizing our expertise in gaming, bridging, NFTs, and decentralized storage. As part...

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ChainSafe is a leading blockchain research and development firm specializing in infrastructure solutions for the decentralized web. Alongside its contributions to significant ecosystems such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Filecoin, Mina, and more, ChainSafe creates solutions for developers and teams across the web3 space utilizing our expertise in gaming, bridging, NFTs, and decentralized storage. As part...

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ChainSafe is a leading blockchain research and development firm specializing in infrastructure solutions for the decentralized web. Alongside its contributions to significant ecosystems such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Filecoin, and more, ChainSafe creates solutions for developers and teams across the web3 space utilizing our expertise in gaming, bridging, NFTs, and decentralized storage. As part of th...

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ChainSafe is a leading blockchain research and development firm specializing in infrastructure solutions for the decentralized web. Alongside its contributions to significant ecosystems such as Ethereum, Polkadot, Filecoin, and more, ChainSafe creates solutions for developers across the web3 space utilizing our expertise in gaming, bridging and decentralized storage. As part of the mission to buil...

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ChainSafe Overview

ChainSafe Systems is an R&D firm specializing in blockchain and web3 infrastructure. We believe that empowering developers with blockchain-agnostic tools is essential for the future of decentralized systems.

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