Archived Jobs at Argent

Archived Jobs at Argent

1 archived job at Argent

Showing 1-1 of 1 results for archived jobs at Argent :

Join us as the first dedicated finance hire. You’ll own budgeting, reporting and accounting - including of Argent’s cryptoassets. You’ll also play a vital role with fundraising.In all this you’ll work closely with our CEO and Head of Operations, and constantly be looking to automate tasks while helping Argent to scale efficiently.What you’ll doGenerate and automa...

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Argent Overview

We believe that the future of money and the internet should be more open and fair. That everybody with internet should have equal access to economic opportunities, and that this brave new future is possible. It can be realised through crypto. That's why we started Argent: the world's most simple and secure smart wallet for Ethereum. It puts the power of crypto into the hands of anyone with a phone. Empowering you to control and prosper from your digital assets and identity.

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